Trail running in the alps
Alprunning: the ultimate trail run experience in the Alps

Wallis Trail & photo week

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 Do you want to bring your trail running and photography skills to a higher level?

Join Dan Patitucci for a Trail Running Photo Workshop. Dan is a professional mountain sport photographer, athlete, and creator of Alpsinsight: The Alps Mountain Sport & Trail Running Resource.
With 20+ years experience, Dan has produced photographic work all over the world for the outdoor industry’s biggest brands and magazines.

Together with Alprunning, we have developed a fully packed week-long course that includes big mountain running days, on-trail lessons and photography opportunities, evening discussions, and sunset & sunrise shoots while staying a night at a high mountain hut.

This trip is for the trail runner and amateur photographer who wants to bring their skills to a higher level. You will not only learn to make beautiful photos, but capture the emotion and feeling of the moment using composition, mood, and technical decisions.
All days with half board in La Bergère or a mountain hut.


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Day 1:  Arrival at La Bergère in the afternoon. If you are early, a post-travel fun run is on the menu. After dinner we will go through the program, talk about safety, and teach the first lesson.
Day 2: After breakfast we will depart for the first run on a section of the famous Sierre-Zinal trail. It is known for beautiful mountain scenery and the trails are part of the oldest race in Europe. Along the way, Dan will demonstrate how he works and you will have the opportunity to shoot what you like incorporating the lessons. In the evening we look at the day’s images, discuss workflow, and have the second lesson.
Day 3: Today we can run on the high trails above Zinal, with views on the mighty 4000m-peaks of the Swiss Alps or even climb a 3000 m+ peak. You will have the chance to shoot what you like and apply the lessons in realtime on the trails. After returning to La Bergère and having had dinner, we discuss the day followed by the final lesson ahead of our mountain hut trip.
Day 4: After Breakfast you have time to pack & prepare before we leave for Cabane Becs des Bosson where we sleep that evening at an altitude of 2983m. Along the way you will shoot while combining the previous lessons. In the evening we arrange a sunset shoot and have fun discussions together in the comfortable and cozy Cabane.
Day 5: Depending on the sunrise we wake up early, have breakfast and do a sunrise shoot. Once we’re finished with the shoot, we’ll run down and return to  La Bergére where you’ll have time to edit your photos for a final presentation. Dan will finish the week with a final critique and summary of what was learned.
Day 6: After breakfast it’s time to say goodbye to new made friends and leave with the experience and knowledge gained this week.


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What's included:

  • 6 days and 5 nights lodging with half board
  • 1 night in a high mountain hut with half board
  • Guided trail runs
  • Photo lessons and workshops from Dan Patitucci
  • Lessons in editing and photo use for social media
  • Tips and tricks for trail running skills
  • Learn from a working professional
  • Develop your own trail and mountain running photo-portfolio
  • Handy kit list
  • Meet other runners, have a big experience, and learn alongside great people


What's not included:

  • Lunch and drinks along the way (make sure to bring your own favourite trailfood and sportsdrink);
  • Use of own car, public transport and/or lift's;
  • Travel to and from La Bergère, Switzerland.
  • Travel-insurance (check for mountainsports coverage)

What do we expect from you:

  • Solid trail running experience and can handle up to 20km with 1000 meters of vertical in the mountains
  • Appropriate trail running gear and clothing for the mountains (a packing list will be provided)
  • Your own camera (small DSLR, Mirrorless or pro-compact)
  • Ideally, you have the ability to shoot in RAW
  • Laptop/ipad for editing and showcasing your own work of the week
  • Proficiency in the English language. Presentations, classes and workshops will be conducted in English.

  •  This trip will continu with a minimum of 6 participants.

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